The story revolves around a pregnant woman searching for her missing hubby in the city of Kolkata, with the help of a police officer.

The story revolves around an amateur private investigator who finds himself in the middle of a complicated murder mystery.

A famed CID officer and her assistant battles time to find out a periodical killer who sets a start for every murder

A team of con artists conduct raids to spoil politicians and businessmen of their black money, posed as CBI officers.

Best bollywood suspense movies story revolved around a police officer engages in solving the death of a well- known actor

This story revolves around an unknown caller who calls the booster, Karthik, from time to time.

A man takes hopeless measures to save his family from the dark side of the law after they commit an unanticipated crime.

While on a road trip, a couple comes across a series of incidents involving a gangster who makes them run for their lives.

The story of this movie revolves around the investigation of the kidnapping of a 10 year old girl.

A conman after getting dumped by his girlfriend finds out that he's suffering from a fatal ailment